Koopa and I, while hanging out at the house two days ago, got caught up in a hail storm. Lovely experience. Daddy was away at work and I lost my cool. See, I have a long history of freaking out when it storms.
As a child, I would pack my dolls, books, and favorite outfit and head to the basement. I also surrounded myself with Angel figurines. I would cry and beg my parents to come to the basement with me. So, I still don't like storms, although I don't do dolls, books, and angels anymore.
So, this time I packed: Koopa, his crate, a leash, our wedding rings, my purse with health insurance card, laptop, cell phone and charger, and a blanket to cover our heads. I also had a maglight flashlight for illuminating things and bashing would be looters over the head and candles and a lighter.
Do you freak out during storms? What items do you pack for your basement/cellar/tub/ interior closet?