Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well Hail

Koopa and I, while hanging out at the house two days ago, got caught up in a hail storm. Lovely experience. Daddy was away at work and I lost my cool. See, I have a long history of freaking out when it storms.
As a child, I would pack my dolls, books, and favorite outfit and head to the basement. I also surrounded myself with Angel figurines. I would cry and beg my parents to come to the basement with me. So, I still don't like storms, although I don't do dolls, books, and angels anymore.
So, this time I packed: Koopa, his crate, a leash, our wedding rings, my purse with health insurance card, laptop, cell phone and charger, and a blanket to cover our heads. I also had a maglight flashlight for illuminating things and bashing would be looters over the head and candles and a lighter.
Do you freak out during storms? What items do you pack for your basement/cellar/tub/ interior closet?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Tale of Short Term Freedom

Being good, involved dog parents, we decided to allow Koopa to "free range" play in the backyard. It was his first time to play off leash at the new house and he spent several minutes just investigating his new surroundings. We then started playing chase and frisbee. But, Koop soon grew bored of such activities. He then decided to test our limits and try to enter the woods. When we said "No" and to come back, he paid us back by rolling in poison ivy.
Lovely. As I attempted to rangle our Free Range Corgi, he decided to make a break for the neighbors house, who happened to be outside (and a cat owner none the less). As I profusely apologized, sprinted, made offensive strategies, and silently (or at least in low tones) cursed my dog child, he grinned an evil grin as he evaded me. I hate him being so smart sometimes. I finally got him to chase me home where I carried his hiney in.
Then I remember the poison ivy as my arms started to itch. Ugh. So a dog bath, an arm scrubbing, and a tub cleaning later, Koopa is back to being an inside dog with leash only outdoor privileges.
Oh, and I can't complain about my neighbor's cats walking on my car or leering at my on my deck since their owner stopped and helped me corral my dog I irresponsibly let off leash.