Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well Hail

Koopa and I, while hanging out at the house two days ago, got caught up in a hail storm. Lovely experience. Daddy was away at work and I lost my cool. See, I have a long history of freaking out when it storms.
As a child, I would pack my dolls, books, and favorite outfit and head to the basement. I also surrounded myself with Angel figurines. I would cry and beg my parents to come to the basement with me. So, I still don't like storms, although I don't do dolls, books, and angels anymore.
So, this time I packed: Koopa, his crate, a leash, our wedding rings, my purse with health insurance card, laptop, cell phone and charger, and a blanket to cover our heads. I also had a maglight flashlight for illuminating things and bashing would be looters over the head and candles and a lighter.
Do you freak out during storms? What items do you pack for your basement/cellar/tub/ interior closet?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Tale of Short Term Freedom

Being good, involved dog parents, we decided to allow Koopa to "free range" play in the backyard. It was his first time to play off leash at the new house and he spent several minutes just investigating his new surroundings. We then started playing chase and frisbee. But, Koop soon grew bored of such activities. He then decided to test our limits and try to enter the woods. When we said "No" and to come back, he paid us back by rolling in poison ivy.
Lovely. As I attempted to rangle our Free Range Corgi, he decided to make a break for the neighbors house, who happened to be outside (and a cat owner none the less). As I profusely apologized, sprinted, made offensive strategies, and silently (or at least in low tones) cursed my dog child, he grinned an evil grin as he evaded me. I hate him being so smart sometimes. I finally got him to chase me home where I carried his hiney in.
Then I remember the poison ivy as my arms started to itch. Ugh. So a dog bath, an arm scrubbing, and a tub cleaning later, Koopa is back to being an inside dog with leash only outdoor privileges.
Oh, and I can't complain about my neighbor's cats walking on my car or leering at my on my deck since their owner stopped and helped me corral my dog I irresponsibly let off leash.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fair Time in W.C.

It is that lovely time again, time for the annual county fair. Don't get me wrong, I love the fair. But this year, I vowed to not become "fair-ed out", a condition I frequently acquired in the past.

We went Sunday afternoon to eat my "fair burger" of the season and buy candy apples to keep at home. I went to the Fairest of the Fair pageant to watch my cousin and provide commentary with my mom. (We are quite a duo when it comes to colorful commentary, you should book us for your next event.) After that, I didn't go back until Friday morning to take the niece in for kid's day. My MIL and I took turns being the rodeo clown in containing a 23 month old little girl in a VERY crowded space. Oh, and we were an hour and half past naptime. But we still got to eat our Philly Cheesesteaks. We can handle fussiness if needed for grilled onions and peppers. ;)

Beyond the food and rides, one of my favorite aspects of the fair is the art and agriculture. We staked out the competition for the variety of honey categories. This year there was only one applicant for each category. Next year they will have to compete with Bees & Trees Honey.

I have painted something for the fair every year since I was in fifth or sixth grade. (I didn't even miss when I was in my internship! I painted an awesome parrot vase to mix in with my Hawaii stuff. ) This year I painted a large snowman with cutouts in the ceramic. His belly contained a snowy home scene. Very cute and will look great on my fireplace this Christmas. I also painted a simple pumpkin wearing a black witches hat. I got a blue ribbon on the snowman and second place on the pumpkin. Next year I want to enter more items and my aunt is encouraging me to do a chalk piece, something I have never done.

I better get started for next year's fair!

P.S. They posted signs at every entrance stating no pets allowed. People used to be able to walk or carry their small dogs. :( So no Koopa at the fair.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So I am the worst blogger ever

Baby blue bandage on the baby boy

Koopa giving directions in the new "big" house

Koopa LOVES stairs

Maybe not. I at least am taking the time to update. Now that we have bought our first home, (Oh yeah, we bought a house. :) ) we stay busy unpacking, doing improvement projects, and shopping for house stuff. Don't worry, Koopa is still the star.

I got a job, um, about ten minutes before our first house payment is due so Josh is TOTALLY in love with me. Between making money and wearing make-up for the first time in two months, he thinks I am the stuff.

So, until next post, know we are alive and well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving and its effects on an otherwise well adjusted dog

So, Josh and I bought a house. At first, Koopa was as excited to go somewhere different as he always is. He played well in the new house. He would eat and drink while we worked on the house. If we painted in one room, he would lay down in the next room and just watch. He was excellent.

Then I went out of town for a wedding. Josh and Koopa had daddy/pup time and worked on the house while I was gone. When I got home Sunday night and on into Monday, I assumed Koopa was being clingy since I had been away.

(He was so clingy, I warned Josh that if our dog became a smurf, it wasn't my fault. He refused to lay anywhere but under my stepladder while painting the bedroom. )

I noticed more destructive play: tearing toys and non-toys apart.
He is having some tummy troubles.
He had his first "accident" in the house in MONTHS.

My sweet, confident puppy is mia. My baby needs me.

So, now in the thick of packing, I am laying on the couch with a sweet boy who just doesn't understand why his toys are slowing being transferred to the new house. And here we thought we were stressed, this poor guy wasn't given an amortization schedule or even a choice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am currently on rotation for my dietetic internship in Memphis, TN. I am completing my required hours in pediatric nutrition at The Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and Le Bonheur. It has been a great experience and I am proud for the opportunity.

However, I miss my boys. I am thankful that tonight is my last night in the hotel this week. I will be heading back again in a few weeks. Also, today is Josh's birthday and it's the first one I have missed. I have celebrated every birthday since his 18th one. Now my hubby is the ripe old age of 24. Additionally, I miss my Koopa. I see dogs out and a mist up. I know, I have an unhealthy attachment to him.

But this photo was the highlight of my night. It came from Josh with this note: "I know you miss it". I love that he and I can be so goofy. And yes, I love the big, round, orange basketball booty and those cute feet.

P.S. I see someone is dragging out all their toys in the floor while momma is away.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Koopa Woodlee is a Big Brother!

Koopa became a big brother on Friday. He gained 15,000 honey bees as siblings, including an awesome Queen Bee. Keep an eye out for updates on our growing family of 15,003. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


In the past few weeks, we have really stayed busy with Josh's work schedule and my rotation assignments. However, mixed in there we have had some fun and funny moments.

  1. Koopa and I get some time alone in the morning to play before I head to work. He enjoys jumping and dancing with me while I get ready.

  2. Koopa knocked over his water bowl. He then took a roll of paper towels and shredded it. From there, he laid the pieces on his spilled water. Telling you, he is a genius.

  3. My SIL and BIL are in Vegas, so my MIL and niece came over to make cookies yesterday.
Koopa enjoys playing with little ones and I think she enjoyed him too. Now, on a quiet Sunday evening, Koopa and I are watching Casablanca, our latest Netflix pic, while Josh plays a MLB game on the PS3. P.S. Koopa is really a big softy and enjoys a good romance story every now and then, as long as it doesn't feature "The Secret Life of the American Teenager". I even wore him out on the show on Instant Queue. All is good for Koopa and his parents.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Furniture Scramble

So, I rearranged our living room furniture which, has completely confused Koopa. I placed our cedar chest in front of our couch for a make shift coffee table. Koopa has never had an object in front of our furniture, which he is allowed on.

Koopa was laying on our chaise lounger, saw me behind the couch, and acted on impulse. He leaped from the chaise, barely cleared my newly decorated coffee table, and double bounced from the ground up to the couch. He then looked over the back of the couch and gave me a "Hey Mom" grin. He was so proud of himself. I am predicting a hernia in the near future.

P.S. What coffee table books do you own and love? I only have two right now but would love to add to my collection.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

All grown up with bills, a puppy, and a favorite pharmacy

The Month of March has further proved that we, Josh and Alyse, are in fact adults.
  • Our life insurance premiums came due along with our renters insurance. We rejoiced when our electric bill went down over $100.00 and we mock our water bill. Compared to everything else, that measley $17.00 is a baby bill.
  • Koopa had his yearly doctor's visit. He weighed in at 18 lbs, 12 oz and was deemed perfect. He is now big enough to get the every three year rabies shot instead of the yearly shot.
  • I realized I have an alliance to my chosen pharmacy. Rite Aid is the bomb and I hope they stay in business.

I am looking for jobs and have a fear of exiting my internship without a job offer. However, Josh sort of took the pressure off of me. If I don't find a job my summer will be open, so we may take a cross country roadtrip that includes eating at places featured on Man vs. Food. Perfect vacation before I sit for the RD Exam. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well, life has certainly improved in the Woodlee household. I am no longer living in a hotel two nights a week like I did for the previous month. Also, the weather is much more toleratable now.

Josh is in the full swing of digging season, and yes, my mudroom is currently living up to it's name. But, that means Koopa and I have Saturday mornings to play outside and visit friends. We recently went to our friend Tessa's work to visit her and her little girl, Ella. At nine months, Ella is the prime age to like a fluffy puppy. She was very giggly everytime she reached to touch him. I loved seeing how well he did with Miss Ella.

We also went to the ballparks and I let Koopa run and play off leash, which he ate up.

All in all, the Woodlee's are ready for spring!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

One year ago today, Josh convinced me to ride with him out Morrison to see a breed of puppy I didn't want. We were just going to go look at a puppy, and maybe put a deposit down. I was still set on a German Shepherd puppy. We had plenty of time to go buy puppy essentials since we were just putting a deposit down.

However, after arriving at the breeders house, we saw a litter of little bitty puppies, and one sable and white male pup left from a November litter. I was sold. I picked that puppy up and never put him down. We were glad we arrived before another man and his son did because we got the best dog in the world!
So, this Valentine's Day, I am still enjoying the best present ever.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sick Boy(s)

So, my Josh has Strep Throat and Bronchitis. I had to go to my rotation, even though it killed me to not stay home and take care of Josh. Koopa stepped up and took care of his daddy, and by " take care of" I mean, laid around with all day. I got this nice photo to show me that in his form of being good, Koopa became sympathy sick and didn't even bother to tear anything up. I love my boys so much.
Oh, and Congratulations go out to the Morris' family! They addedd to their family with a new male puppy, possibly to be named Quinn.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hello All!
Today is the 1st Anniversary for my Momma and Daddy's marriage. They have been together forever, but they survived the first year of marriage. I like to thank myself, seeing as my cuteness keeps any fights from getting beyond a tiff. I mean seriously, who has time to argue if I am around and needing attention?!? But anyways, I am proud my momma and daddy still like each other. I hear stories at the park about puppies whose momma's and daddy's fight or break up. That's real sad, especially when a puppy grew up his whole life with both his momma and daddy.

But the good news is my momma and daddy like each other so much it's gross. But that's okay. Plus, they both agree I am the best and never like to leave me. So, I guess this is my way of telling everyone that my momma and daddy really love each other and me. :)

If you are getting married, you should totally get a puppy as cool as me so you can be just as happy.

Well, I have a stuffed monkey to attack, so I will talk to you later!

Love to all my fans...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blessings & Other Good Things

The end is nearing of week one at SLMC and it's going well. It's nice being in an advanced acute care facility and am seeing a lot of things I haven't even seen on House. Haha The thing I am most proud of is carrying a tube feeding from consult to charting to orders to placing the formula in the room. It made me feel great that I could carry it all the way through like that instead of only doing pieces of it while the preceptor finishes it.

Also, I got good news in that I get off work at a reasonable time two days a week. I know for sure that I will come home on those nights plus Friday so I may only need to stay away a night or possibly two.

Josh completed the 2010-2011 price list and is geared up for the nursery conventions. I just have to get our laundry ready. ;) He also has the bee hive all painted and ready. We just need warm weather to come so we can order our three pound box of bees.

And, most importantly, Koopa is adjusting well. I think he was ready for me to go back to work so he could get some much needed rest. When I was home, he didn't get his ten or so naps in a day. He does well with a schedule but is able to adjust easily. He really is wonderful. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sleepless Night

I begin my DI again tomorrow and will be in Nashville each day. This is also the busy season for Josh's work. With this, Koopa's momma feels very guilty because I do not want him to have to stay in his crate for many hours. Josh leaves for work early and is never sure when he will get off work. I get off work at 5:00pm and will either get home around 7:00 pm with traffic or stay at my sister-in-law's house in Nashville. So, I am concerned about finding Koopa-care.

I am looking for a doggie daycare close to Skyline Medical Center so I could take Koopa to work with me and let him spend a day or two a week out of the crate. Also, if you are a reader and could take him in your home, or come by my house in the afternoon to let him potty, I would be willing to pay you for your time.

I just feel guilty for leaving him in the crate. His life is meant to be fun and spent with people or other dogs, not in a box. I will be glad when this leg of the internship is over, because, it's starting what I feel will be spending many sleepless nights.