Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving and its effects on an otherwise well adjusted dog

So, Josh and I bought a house. At first, Koopa was as excited to go somewhere different as he always is. He played well in the new house. He would eat and drink while we worked on the house. If we painted in one room, he would lay down in the next room and just watch. He was excellent.

Then I went out of town for a wedding. Josh and Koopa had daddy/pup time and worked on the house while I was gone. When I got home Sunday night and on into Monday, I assumed Koopa was being clingy since I had been away.

(He was so clingy, I warned Josh that if our dog became a smurf, it wasn't my fault. He refused to lay anywhere but under my stepladder while painting the bedroom. )

I noticed more destructive play: tearing toys and non-toys apart.
He is having some tummy troubles.
He had his first "accident" in the house in MONTHS.

My sweet, confident puppy is mia. My baby needs me.

So, now in the thick of packing, I am laying on the couch with a sweet boy who just doesn't understand why his toys are slowing being transferred to the new house. And here we thought we were stressed, this poor guy wasn't given an amortization schedule or even a choice.

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