Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blessings & Other Good Things

The end is nearing of week one at SLMC and it's going well. It's nice being in an advanced acute care facility and am seeing a lot of things I haven't even seen on House. Haha The thing I am most proud of is carrying a tube feeding from consult to charting to orders to placing the formula in the room. It made me feel great that I could carry it all the way through like that instead of only doing pieces of it while the preceptor finishes it.

Also, I got good news in that I get off work at a reasonable time two days a week. I know for sure that I will come home on those nights plus Friday so I may only need to stay away a night or possibly two.

Josh completed the 2010-2011 price list and is geared up for the nursery conventions. I just have to get our laundry ready. ;) He also has the bee hive all painted and ready. We just need warm weather to come so we can order our three pound box of bees.

And, most importantly, Koopa is adjusting well. I think he was ready for me to go back to work so he could get some much needed rest. When I was home, he didn't get his ten or so naps in a day. He does well with a schedule but is able to adjust easily. He really is wonderful. :)

1 comment:

  1. Um, so I don't know what any of the internship stuff means, lol, but I am very happy that you are enjoying it thus far. :) Excited to hear about the bees...I'm very interested in how such creatures are transported (hey, at least you didn't order 16 Brazilian parakeets from Ebay! hahaha!) Give Koopa my love!
